The Evolution of UNIDA Translation

April 5, 2021
Ivana Sedia, CEO/Owner, Unida Translation

It is hard to believe how time flies and how World of Words, LLC has evolved over time. World of Words was started in June 2017 and incorporated in October 2018. Over the past four years and even after the surprise presented by COVID-19, the company continues to grow in new ways, even winning a grant from the Indiana Technical Assistance Program. Like so many businesses, the company had to find new ways to offer its services during the pandemic. Now World of Words has decided to launch a new brand to refresh and become UNIDATranslation.

World of Words chose the name UNIDATranslation as its new brand because it is a creative, distinct, direct, and easy-to-remember name. Also, “unida,” means “united” in Spanish, the second most spoken language in the world. Translation is a way to become united with a reader, bringing both together across languages.

At UNIDATranslation, we speak your language. That is the core of our business model. Language is the heart of communication and understanding. And human connection is rooted in understanding. Not only do we speak your language. We also know the nuances of translation and can precisely deliver according to your specific needs.

Working with UNIDATranslation is efficient because we have added a layer to our process: Quality Control. We assess our translations according to a multi-stage review to keep communications clear, effective, and accurate. Even the experts need to have their work checked. UNIDATranslation delivers with precision and accuracy 100 percent of the time.

UNIDATranslation does not just translate; we consider unique scenarios and customize your translation based on context. In other words, we do not just look at the words and translate; we look at the origin of the words and keep in mind the culture, customs, and traditions of the country or even street where the words come from. For example, we know that Spanish and Italian are not spoken the same way in every country or even in parts of the same country.

UNIDATranslation is ready to assist you with over 3,800 certified translators and linguists covering over 125 languages. UNIDATranslation is a member of American Translators Association (ATA), National Association of Judiciary Interpreters & Translators (NAJIT), and Midwest Association of Translators & Interpreters (MATI). All our translators are also certified by one of these organizations in addition to having graduated with degrees in their languages or related discipline. We are incredibly excited to serve you and speak your language with you!


Kat Peters

Love the new name!

April 7, 2021

Nice Job Papi

May 17, 2021

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