A Spanish-Speaking Medical Interpreter Can Improve the Quality of Healthcare at Your Facility

May 1, 2023
Joshua Leventhal

Workers in the medical field devote every day to helping people in need. Their dedication to others changes lives regularly. Each patient is unique, as the needs and treatment programs vary for each. However, one thing is certain: no matter the patients’ culture, creed, or native language, at some point in their lifetime, they will need medical services.

It’s incredibly important that patients receive the absolute best quality care when that day arrives. That includes the ability to properly communicate with them. There is currently an increase in non-English speaking patients living in the United States, as well as in the number of patients who speak English as a second language. With these, the demand to meet the needs of these patients is constantly growing. This is especially true for Spanish, the second most spoken language in households across the United States.

More patients won’t be able to get through a healthcare consultation without the help of a Spanish translator. Quality healthcare simply cannot exist if patients don’t feel comfortable and supported in their time of need. They depend on their providers for the best possible care whether it’s a routine checkup or a life-threatening emergency. The ability to communicate effectively, provide patients with critical information, make accurate diagnosis, and ultimately provide the proper treatment are necessary to help patients achieve a positive outcome.

Without a translator, patients who do not speak English are at an increased risk of medical complications, medical errors, and other unfortunate outcomes when compared to English speaking patients. The end result can unfortunately be a medical malpractice lawsuit. Working with a translation agency, however, helps ensure that non-English-speaking patients receive the same high-quality care as English-speaking patients.

The ability to exchange information with each individual patient is key to that quality of care. On the other hand, any language based misunderstandings can easily result in a negative treatment experience, and can even lead to more medical complications. Translation ensures accuracy in communication between providers, staff, and patients. Everyone benefits from patients receiving the highest quality of healthcare possible.

At Unida, our Spanish-speaking interpreters are certified in medical terminology.

Unida Translation is a leader in the translation industry. We help all businesses open the avenues of communication by ensuring that your organization’s messages are understood exactly the same no matter who the audience is. Our company provides outstanding translation services that cover over 125 languages for documents, remotely and in person. What makes Unida Translation different and the best choice for all of translation needs is that our translators and interpreters are certified by a recognized translator and interpreter association. Our company is also licensed, insured, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certified, and local in Northwest Indiana.

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